Pitfall Crocodile and Scorpion Doormats Encourage Guests NOT to Wipe Their Feet

Most doormats encourage your guests to stop and wipe their feet off. It’s pretty much written into the doormat code (which I’ve read and frankly it’s pretty boring stuff, mostly legalese). Not so much with these awesome rubber Pitfall doormats that come in both crocodile and scorpion versions. Your guests, assuming they’re old enough to remember the greatest Atari game of all time will be jumping over these 8 bit doormats like they were Pitfall Harry.

Just don’t tell your guests that once they enter your house they have to swing on a vine over a tarpit to get to the living room. Pitfall doormats are available for $50 at Meninos.

Crododile Doormat or Scorpion Doormat