Apple Head Cheese Steve Job’s Head Made of Cheese

Some people are just a little bit more creative than others when it comes to making their cheese plates. Like Ken from The Cooks Den, who made this incredible edible Steve Jobs head from mozzarella cheese and ground pepper for the beard. Ken chose the mozz cheese because “its pasty-white color matches the skin tone of many a computer geek like Steve”. Also because it’s carvable.

For some reason he chose NOT to include apples on the plate which is a huge oversight on his part. Details, Ken, details. This might be the only time I’ll ever say this here but I want to eat Steve Jobs.

via macenstein

2 thoughts on “Apple Head Cheese Steve Job’s Head Made of Cheese

  1. Wow. This is definitely the creepiest thing I’ve seen on here so far.

    Re the lack of apples on the plate, I expect that is because apples duplicate existing iCheese functions, and thus didn’t make it through the approval process.

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