DIY Book Lamp

Turn your favorite novel into a reading lamp! Well maybe not your favorite novel since once you make the light you won’t be able to read it, how about 2nd favorite. Or extra copy of your favorite. Don’t try this with your Kindle. The process as shown here, is actually quite simple. First find a book that’s thick enough. Then drill a few holes, one for the light bulb and one for the switch:

Now, you need to use an exacto knife to carve a little channel so the wire from the switch meets the bulb socket. You know how to wire up a lamp, right? Google it, I guess.

Oh no, that was my favorite part of the book! Then just plug it all in and let there be light:

And there was light, and it was good. The whole setup only cost about $40 plus a minor risk of electrocution while building it. But no pain, no gain, right?

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