Well here’s one solution for ring around the collar. What causes ring around the collar anyway? Neck sweat? Are our necks really that sweaty? One of those great mysteries of life. Anyway to prevent ring around the collar you could take a shower often and wash your shirts. Or you could insert a White Collar Grime disposable collar protector inside your collar like the pros use.
To use, just snip off the proper length of the 100% super-soft adhesive backed cotton tape and insert into the collar of your shirt. At the end of the day, remove the protector and your collar is as good as new and ready to wear the next day. Craziest Gadgets recommends that you skip a day before wearing the same shirt again so that you can at least pretend to have washed it. A 10 foot roll costs $10 (my advanced math tells me that averages about $2, no wait, recalculation, $1 per foot).
via geardiary
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