Scenario Fireplace TV Solves the Television On Top of the Fireplace Problem

There’s nothing more awkward in a modern living room set up than placing the television at a neck straining height above the mantle of the fireplace. Whenever I see that, it makes me cringe with a tiny little pain in my neck and back. If you’re living with a family of giraffes or basketball players it would be acceptable but for the average person it’s just simply too high up to mount a television and makes your TV look like a design afterthought.

Italy’s MCZ offers a stylish solution called The Scenario that puts the TV next to the fireplace in a side by side setting. Much better! Sure the name may remind you of a certain Jersey Shore cast member known for showing off his abs but it’s sleek, stylish and offers your living room a dual visual center of focus with both the fireplace and the TV. As it should be.

via trendir

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