Terminator Skull DVD Player is Scary as Hell

Holy moly is this one scary DVD player! I am creeped the hell out right now. It’s not clear whether this is a homemade mod or a real product you can buy in stores but an Endoskeleton Skull opens up to play your DVD’s. Wow, creeeeeeeeeeepy.

Thanks to Toxel

3 thoughts on “Terminator Skull DVD Player is Scary as Hell

  1. This dvd player is not a new product. It was manufactured around 2003 to coincide with the upcoming Terminator 3: rise of the machines.

    Released by the Japanese comapny Suntory and limited to only 500 copies (exclusive to Japan, never released internationally), this item is highly collectible and obviously completely sold out by now. Your best bet to get one would be ebay but even there they’re not very common.

    For more info, checkout the full review of my personal copy (yep, I actually own one):


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