Tetris 3D Cushions: Where Did I Leave that Straight One?

tetris pillows
Have you hugged a tetrimino today? Well you can with these snuggable Tetris 3D Cushions. Each set comes with 5 different Tetris shapes including the elusive straight piece. Where was that piece like 5 lines ago? All those endless hours of playing Tetris on your GameBoy are finally being able to put to good use as you masterfully arrange the cushions on your couch.
tetris 3d cushions in use
The pillows measure 11″ by 5.5″ by sizes ranging from 11″ to 22.5″ depending on which one. Each is made of and filled with 100% polyester. Tetris pillow fight….commence!
tetris cushions
Stack them while you snack. Buy 10 sets and turn your entire living room into a Tetris board. The possibilities are endless. Russian theme music not included.