We made our annual pilgrimage to the International Toy Fair this year at New York City’s Javits Center and found a few cool new items for you to get a first glimpse of. As I’m sure you’re aware, with the coming Star Wars moving slated for December (that would be The Force Awakens for anyone living in a bubble), Star Wars items are projected to be hot. They always are anyway. And speaking of living in a bubble, we spotted this sweet bubble blowing R2-D2.
This thing is pretty substantially sized- close to 2 feet tall by our estimations. Fill it up with bubble solutions and let the good times pop. R2 put out a rapid stream of non-stop bubbles, a pretty impressive amount actually. It lights up and makes sounds too- his trademark bleeps and bloops. On his front there are a few different settings:
You can choose straight, oscillate, or random. Let’s get a reverse angle peek at that bubble blowing droid, shall we?
Like it? Well you’ll have to wait. The R2-D2 Bubble Machine is being produced by Imperial Toy (appropriately named, sort of?) and will be released sometime this Fall.
Star Wars / Summer Fun / Toys