Classic 1980’s Characters Made Plush by Handmade Stuffs

I’m really digging all these awesome handmade plush characters from the 1980’s by Handmade Stuffs. Like the Skeletor above (look out He-Man, he has a new weapon- cuteness). Or Ghosterbuster’s own Slimer below:

Who ya gonna call? Doozer is very busy in Fraggle Rock, building little mystery worlds underground:

Here’s a custom one she made- She-Ra, princess of power. Did you know that She-Ra was He-Man’s twin sister? Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

Speaking of half the battle, it’s Destro! Go Joe!

Well who knew Destroy was such a guido? Heroes in a half-shell? Teenage mutant ninja turtles… here’s Michelango, but you probably already knew that:

Ok, so he’s not from the 80’s (and not even really from the 90’s even) but Futurama’s Bender was just too cute not to post:

One of the more under-represented Star Trek characters as far as merchandise goes, it’s Leonard “Bones” McCoy. I’m a doctor, not a plush…no wait Bones, in this case you actually are a plush figure.

Snap into a Slim Jim! Machoooo Man Randy Savage! Ooh Yeah! Hey, did you know that the Macho Man released a hip-hop/rap album called Be a Man (streaming audio samples available at link)? Surprised he didn’t take home a Grammy on that one.

If you want your own handmade plush, check out Handmade Stuffs Etsy Shop or contact her directly for custom orders.

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