The Accumulator Bank Will Help You Save for a New Drywall Installation

Finally a bank that shows you exactly how much you’ve saved so far. The Accumulator is just like a real version of those giant fundraising thermometer style charts that people display to show how close they are reaching their goal. You put your coins in and they stack up. At each level The Accumulator gives you handy examples of what that much money is worth (ex. enough to feed an elephant, enough for a 2 bedroom apartment). Comes in Dollars, Euros, or Pounds.

They should make a second version that tells you how much damage you’re doing to your walls. Coins are heavy! I can’t imagine hanging so many on the wall. Ever try to bring a jar full of them to the bank to redeeem? The Craziest Gadgets Accumulator would have levels like “enough to cover the nail holes with a poster”, “enough to spackle”, “spackle and paint”, “enough for new drywall” and finally “enough to put in a new doorway in the spot where your coin counter just ripped a massive hole in the wall”. You can buy the real Accumulator for about $55 from Suck UK.

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