Bicycle with a Monster Truck Wheel

The Monsterbike certainly doesn’t look like the easiest thing in the world to pedal but clearly speed is not what they’re going for this. It’s a “regular” pennyfarthing bicycle (you know, those old timey ones with the giant wheel in front and small wheels in the back) taken to the extreme by attaching a monster truck tire as it’s front wheel. This bicycle could totally crush every bike on the road, if only it could go a little bit faster. Now of course you’re going to want to see a

video of this bad boy in action, so here ya go:

Is this considered a fixed wheel fixie super mod or something? It looks like only one gear, so maybe. This is from somewhere in The Netherlands, and I like how most of the normal bicycle riders that cruise past don’t even give this monster bike a second look. They should take this on a downhill to really see what she can do.

via likecool