Fidgeters behold! A standard pen is not enough to keep those fingers busy in between writing stuff down. What if you had a pen that was encased in a series of magnetic rings you could play with? That’s exactly what the Polar Pen is, a ballpoint pen with 13 powerful rare-Earth magnets surrounding the chamber. Let’s break it down to it’s parts for ya:
See that little nub-like part? That’s a stylus for use on your capacitive touch screen tablet (or for additional percussion sounds on your desk because everyone knows you’re the Neil Peart of the accounting department). Action shot- of the stylus, not the drum solo:
You’ll never get out of that maze. So what can you do with this pen besides write? I’m glad I asked. Thanks. I’m welcome. You can take the magnets off and rearrange them on and around the pen in various configurations. That sounds pretty ok until you remember that if you just flip the magnets around, you can play off the reverse polarity and make them go haywire. Magnets not only attract- they repel. Science!
It even has a clip so you can clip it onto your shirt or paper. But you can just magnetically stick it onto your monitor or other metal object too. That’s fun and handy. It’s nickel-coated for durability and comes in silver and gunmetal black finishes.