Review: Make a Mini-Me of You

foldable jeff
Have you ever wanted a miniature boxy version of yourself to help around the house? Well now you can have one. Although the “helping” part is more of a supervisory role while you do all the work. With you can make your own cardboard you. Or anyone else. The Foldable folks sent us a code to try it out. First step was to go to their site and set it up. It’s actually a lot of fun:
foldable jeff onscreen
You select the hair, skin tone, nose, eyes, mouth, glasses, facial hair, clothing- everything you need to make a mini-you. It helps to have a mirror or a picture of yourself. No worries if you’re skinny or fat- every Foldable you is the same size- boxy with a big head. After finishing and checking out, in a short time later you get a solid cardboard you in the mail (they ship from the UK, so allow some extra time if you’re in the US).
foldable jeff flat
It was shipped in a cardboard lined envelope to protect it. The great thing is that to put it together takes just a few minutes and you don’t need any scissors or glue! All the pieces easily punch out and it’s simple to fold your little box man together. The cardboard is kinda of semi-glossy I’d say- and fairly sturdy. The finished mini-you will be about 3.5″ tall.
jeff and jerry
Another cool thing is that you don’t have to make you- you can make friends, family, enemies, co-workers, even celebrities. Why that’s me and Jerry Garcia hanging out above. Happy Birthday today, Foldable Jerry. Even though my Foldable me won’t really help out around the house (other than “supervising”), I still think he’s great. And my kids listen to him more than me. Get your own at