Operation Car Has a Giant Working Game of Operation on the Hood

It’s a fully functional giant game of Operation on top of this BMW’s hood. The Operation Car’s “body parts” are held in with velcro which makes it a little tricky to remove the Tobler-bone or the Goldschlager liver. Most of the parts seem to be either candy or booze, which is definitely an incentive to get them out.

The Jager arm doesn’t look too hard.

Skittles heart might be tricky to get out.

Since the hood is metal, it works just like the regular Operation game; touch it with the attached barbecue tongs and the nose lights up and the buzzer sounds (although this one is rigged to sound like a car alarm).

A good strategy is to go for the Jager arm first, then take a little drink to calm the nerves before going for the Twizzler gut. Or just go for the Jager and walk away happy.

Action shot!

(thanks Jangi for the tip!)

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