Care Bears Optical Mouse

care bears optical mouse
I think I just barfed up a rainbow! It’s Care Bears optical mice. Yummy. These cute little bears came right from the 80’s into your mouse. They float around in water inside the mouse, keeping you highly entertained and happy. Really, I can’t think of a better way to spend $37 plus shipping. Just watch out for that evil Professor Coldheart, and his assistant Frostbite- they are always out to get the bears and ruin Care-a-Lot. Let’s get that caring meter up to the positive (rainbow) side, people! Care! Care! Care!
care bears optical mouse2
Get them now in Cheer Bear (pink), Fun Shine Bear (yellow) or Love a Lot Bear (red). What no Bedtime Bear, Birthday Bear, Friend Bear, Good Luck Bear, Grumpy Bear, Tenderheart Bear or Wish Bear? Weaksauce!

4 thoughts on “Care Bears Optical Mouse

  1. please tell me where I can buy these beauties i am dying to get my hands on a couple but have not been able to find PLEASE HELP ME

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